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Set me free.


2019 my ass.

That wasn't the year that I died. Bullshit. We all know that is pure bullshit.

I was dead in 2017.

Forever trapped in 2017.

Time has stopped flowing for me since 2017.

Nobody, nobody could save me, I'm telling you.

Nor nobody could understand me.

Now, I want to set myself free.

Which there is the only way.

I know how to set myself free.


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Assalamualaikum..Urmm!Tadi blogwalking pastu terjumpa satu GA yang TERAWESOME DI DUNIA! Blog die very cute!Purple!Kemas cantik,cute!I love her blog so much!And thank for a thousand cause making this AWESOME GA!..Saya harap saya menang,doakan saya boleh? Cantik kan banner die? ] Well,baru tengok banner tak tengok blog nyer yang kiut miut! Saya JUJUR dalam GA ini ...Never lie! ^^ ..Thnx kak!