Happy new year guys!I know I'm late
So,how's your 2016?Mine going well :)
Yes fourteen already haha ^^
This year ..I'm only gonna let the good and positive vibes only inside me ..RIP my english
I'm just gonna have some fun,ignore those bad bitches that tryin to ruin my life,study hard,start a new chapter of my life you know with new classmates new teachers and new heart omg haha..
I don't know I'm just gonna enjoy this life as much as possible :) Cause life is too short to crying,sad,bad mood , fighting ,care what people bad mouthing about you...Just..life is too short for that.
Always have courage to do something . If you don't do it now,it's maybe impossible to do it later.
Sad?Dissapointed? Life isn't perfect so why bother ?Everyone have too face it no matter you're kid,poor,rich,ugly,beautiful or CEO and something.And remember there's no pain that won't heal.
Most important,appreciate people around you..They'll not living or staying with you forever.Don't make things that will made you regret.
Lastly,only yourself will made you successful.It's you,the one who will improve yourself,the one who will save yourself,the one who will defend yourself,the one who will love yourself.It's you.Don't forget to love yourself.
Spread the love #2016
Miss Ana.
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hey babes,no harsh word!